Tuesday, December 23, 2008


There are a lot of things that I want in life, but many are far to unrealistic or require too much work to actually come to fruition. However, hoping for a 4th album by the Strokes will likely result in far less heartbreak. "Is This It" which I was introduced to a good couple years after Strokes-hysteria, quickly changed my music tastes. If you think I have a good taste in music these days, Julian Casablancas and co. are responsible for changing me from the shitty hip-hop fan that I was in my earlier years. We also really have them to thank for a number of fantastic guitar based indie bands (The Libertines, Arctic Monkeys, etc), and for the resurgence of the skinny jeans.

I've definitely come across a fair number of people who share my love for the Strokes, but I've also come across a fair number of un-fans. I find it fair enough that some people find their lyrics to be rather vapid, or their songs to be too similar. However, I am always baffled by those who say, "the Strokes are all privileged," and refuse to take them seriously for this reason. Maybe I'm missing something, but I fail to see why growing up without money is a pre-requisite to being a rockstar or making good music. It would be one thing if their lyrics were focused upon their inherited wealth and status, but I've yet to find that song on any album or EP. I really don't care if you like the Strokes or not, but if your reason for not liking them is because of their upbringing, learn to get off the dick of rock and roll writers and form your own opinion.

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