Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fuck Zombies. Vampire Weekend 2nd Album Underway.

For those of you who do not know, I listen to a lot more than just Electro-House-Club-Loud-Dance Music. Amongst the non-dance music that I listen to, Vampire Weekend ranks towards the top, with their self-titled debut being one of my favorite albums of recent memory. I stumbled upon a great piece of news today, which is that Vampire Weekend are currently in the studio recording their 2nd album. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, lead-singer Ezra Koenig commented that, "It's definitely going to be a recognizably Vampire Weekend sound, but there are going to be new sounds. We're trying to challenge ourselves not to use the same bag of tricks that we used on the first album-- different instruments, stuff like that."

With the Strokes and Arctic Monkeys (two of my other favorites) also currently in the studio recording new albums, 2009 is going to be a pretty big year for the Indie music world.

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